A Curious,


Product Designer,

In Indianapolis.

Case Studies

Duolingo AR

UX Design, AR Design

Keep your language learning journey engaging and motivating with Duolingo AR

Libre CGM Companion

UX Design

Keep your language learning journey engaging and motivating with Duolingo AR

Adding an AR Feature to Duolingo

Can an AR feature help users with their learning motivational dip while also helping Duolingo to convert free subscribers to paid subscribers?

Companion App for Continuous Glucose Monitor

How can we improve the Freestyle Libre companion app to support people with diabetes? How can we expand their user base to be more than just users with diabetes?

Redesigning Indiana Camping Website

How might we make the campsite reservation process seamless?

Responsive e-commerce website and rebrand

How can we provide the Mirror customers with a responsive website that allows users to shop from anywhere?